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How To Use the GCloud DNS Plugin

This plugin works against the Google Cloud DNS provider. It is assumed that you have already setup a project, billing, and created the DNS zone(s) you will be working against. If not, check the Cloud DNS Quickstart.


We need to create a service account and give it permission to add TXT records to the zone(s) we'll be issuing certificates for.

Create a Custom Role

It's always a good idea to limit a service account's access to only what is needed to perform its function. So rather than giving it the default DNS Administrator role, we'll create a custom one that is less dangerous. Start by going to the IAM Roles page and make sure the project containing your DNS zone is selected.

  • Filter the Roles for "dns" and find the DNS Administrator role
  • Open the context menu for the role and click Create role from this role
  • Title: DNS Zone Editor
  • Description: List/Read Zones and Write Zone data
  • ID: DNSZoneEditor
  • Role launch stage: General Availability
  • In the list of permissions, uncheck all except the following:
  • dns.changes.create
  • dns.changes.get
  • dns.changes.list
  • dns.managedZones.get
  • dns.managedZones.list
  • dns.resourceRecordSets.create
  • dns.resourceRecordSets.delete
  • dns.resourceRecordSets.get
  • dns.resourceRecordSets.list
  • dns.resourceRecordSets.update
  • Click Create

This will give the account it is applied to the ability to edit all record types for all existing zones in the current project. Unfortunately, the current Google APIs don't allow us to further restrict this role so that the account can only modify TXT records or only specific zones.

Create a Service Account

Start by going to the Service accounts page and make sure the correct project is selected.

  • Click Create service account
  • Service account name: posh-acme
  • Role: DNS Zone Editor
  • Check Furnish a new private key
  • Key type: JSON
  • Click Create
  • A JSON file should be automatically downloaded. Don't lose it.

If you have multiple projects with DNS zones that this account will need to modify, you can grant cross-project access by creating the same DNS Zone Editor role in the other projects and then granting the role to this service account by referencing its Principal ID which usually looks like <id>@<project>

Using the Plugin

If all of your DNS zones are in the same project as your service account, the only plugin argument you need is GCKeyFile which is the path to the JSON account file you downloaded. The plugin will cache the contents of this file on each use in case the original gets deleted or moved. But as long as it still exists, the real file will take precedence over the cached copy so you can update it in the future if necessary.

$pArgs = @{
  GCKeyFile = '<path to json>'
New-PACertificate -Plugin GCloud -PluginArgs $pArgs

If your DNS zones are in a different project than your service account or if you have zones that span multiple projects, you will also need to supply the GCProjectId parameter with all of the project IDs that contain your DNS zones (including the one associated with the service account).

$pArgs = @{
  GCKeyFile = '<path to json>'
  GCProjectId = 'project1','project2'
New-PACertificate -Plugin GCloud -PluginArgs $pArgs

App Engine Compatibility Note

If you're planning on uploading your certificate to Google App Engine, it has been reported that it only supports RSA based certificates. So don't use an ECC key option. It also requires the private key to be in PKCS#1 format and the module currently outputs the key as PKCS#8. You can convert it with openssl using the following command:

openssl rsa -in cert.key -out cert-pkcs1.key