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How To Use the HurricaneElectricDyn Plugin

This plugin works against Hurricane Electric DNS. It uses HE's DynDNS API instead of web scraping like the normal HurricaneElectric plugin. It less risky to use because it doesn't require supplying your HE account username and password. It is also less likely to break over time as a supported API. However, it is also more tedious to setup and use. You should already have an account and created the DNS zone(s) you will be working against.


Hurricane Electric can be configured as a secondary to your primary zones hosted elsewhere. This plugin will not work for secondary zones. You must use a plugin that is able to modify the primary nameservers.


Due to limitations in how HE's DynDNS API authentication works, you must pre-create all of the DNS TXT records that will be necessary for the cert you are requesting. Each record must be created with dynamic DNS enabled and then a key/password either set or generated for that record.

For each DNS name in your certificate, you will need to create a TXT record called _acme-challenge.<DNS name> in the zone. So if your domain is, and you want to create a certificate for both the domain root and, you would need two TXT records: and Wildcard names such as * should have records created as if the wildcard portion wasn't there like

Login to and go into the Edit Zone page for the zone you will be creating records in.

  • Click the New TXT button
  • Add the required Name value
  • Check the box for Enable entry for dynamic dns
  • Click Submit
  • Back in the Zone Edit page, click the icon in the DDNS column next to the record
  • Set an appropriate password for click the Generate a key button to use a randomly generated password
  • Click Submit

You will need to supply both the record name and DDNS password to the plugin for each record you created.

Using the Plugin

Your record name(s) and DDNS password(s) are used with the HEDynCredential parameter as an array of PSCredential objects. If you only have one name in the cert, you only need to supply one credential.

$rootPass = Read-Host 'Root Domain' -AsSecureString
$wwwPass = Read-Host 'www' -AsSecureString

$pArgs = @{
    HEDynCredential = @(
New-PACertificate '','' -Plugin HurricaneElectricDyn -PluginArgs $pArgs

If you are getting a wildcard cert that also includes the root domain, you will need to use the -UseSerialValidation parameter.

$rootPass = Read-Host 'Root Domain' -AsSecureString

$pArgs = @{
    HEDynCredential = [pscredential]::new('',$rootPass)
New-PACertificate '','*' -Plugin HurricaneElectricDyn -PluginArgs $pArgs -UseSerialValidation