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How To Use the OVH DNS Plugin

This plugin works against the OVH DNS provider. It is assumed that you have already setup an account and created the domain(s) you will be working against.


OVH has a variety of supported regions each with their own API endpoint and sets of credentials. In order to set things up properly, you must know which region your account is in. The table below lists the available regions, the region code, and a link to create an Application Credential.

Region Code API App Creation
OVH Europe ovh-eu Create App
OVH US ovh-us Create App
OVH North-America ovh-ca Create App
So you Start Europe soyoustart-eu Create App
So you Start North America soyoustart-ca Create App
Kimsufi Europe kimsufi-eu Create App
Kimsufi North America kimsufi-ca Create App
RunAbove runabove-ca Create App

Create Application Credentials

Select the region that matches your account and use the appropriate "Create App" link to create an application credential for your account. Set the App Name and Description to whatever you want and click Create Keys. You will be presented with an Application Key and Application Secret which you should save for later.

Generate Consumer Key

Now we need to generate a Consumer Key for these App credentials that is associated with a set of permissions on your account. There are generally three different ways to configure permissions for the Consumer Key.

  • Write access to all DNS zones on your account. This is useful if you want a single instance of Posh-ACME to be able to generate certs for any name in any domain you might host on OVH.
  • Write access to only a specific set of DNS zones on your account. This lets you keep some zones inaccessible, but still lets you generate certs for any name within allowed set of domains.
  • Write access only to specific pre-created TXT records. This is the most complicated to setup, but also provides the least risk in case the key is compromised.

There is a helper function built-into the plugin file that can make setting up these permissions easier. In order to use it, run the following to add the function to your current PowerShell session. Then follow the instructions in the next section for the option you will be using.

Import-Module Posh-ACME
. (Join-Path (Get-Module Posh-ACME).ModuleBase "Plugins\OVH.ps1")

Write to All Zones

Using the appropriate region code from the table above and the Application Key you previously created, run the following PowerShell and follow the instructions it gives. It will generate a URL you must open in a browser, verify the requested permissions, set the Validity to "Unlimited", and click Log In.

Invoke-OVHSetup -AppKey 'xxxxxxxxxxxx' -OVHRegion 'ovh-eu'

Write to Specific Zones

Define the set of zones you wish to grant access to.

$zones = '','',''

Using the appropriate region code from the table above and the Application Key you previously created, run the following PowerShell and follow the instructions it gives. It will generate a URL you must open in a browser, verify the requested permissions, set the Validity to "Unlimited", and click Log In.

Invoke-OVHSetup -AppKey 'xxxxxxxxxxxx' -OVHRegion 'ovh-eu' -Zone $zones

Write to Specific Records

In order to use this method, you have to pre-create every TXT record the ACME server is going to need in order to validate the names in the certs you will be requesting. For non-wildcard names, prepend _acme-challenge. to the name. For wildcard names, replace the * with _acme-challenge.

For a cert that contains,, and, you would need to create the following three records.

  • Sub-domain: _acme-challenge
  • Sub-domain: _acme-challenge.www
  • Sub-domain:

For a typical wildcard cert that contains and *, you would need to create two copies of the same record.

  • Sub-domain: _acme-challenge
  • Sub-domain: _acme-challenge

Once your records are created, you need to identify the record ID for each one. Unfortunately, we haven't found an easy way to find these from OVH's web based DNS editor. The closest alternative is the API Console. Login and expand the GET /domain/zone/{zoneName}/record entry. Add the appropriate record details to lookup and press Execute. The result should be one or more record ID numbers.

Using the record ID(s) and associated zone name(s), create an array of permission objects. It should contain a GET /domain/zone/<zone name>/record* and POST /domain/zone/<zone name>/refresh entry for each domain plus a PUT /domain/zone/<zone name>/record/<id> entry for each record. So the typical wildcard cert example might look like this:

$rules = @(
    @{ method = 'GET';  path = '/domain/zone/*' }
    @{ method = 'POST'; path = '/domain/zone/' }
    @{ method = 'PUT';  path = '/domain/zone/' }
    @{ method = 'PUT';  path = '/domain/zone/' }

Using the appropriate region code from the table above and the Application Key you previously created, run the following PowerShell and follow the instructions it gives. It will generate a URL you must open in a browser, verify the requested permissions, set the Validity to "Unlimited", and click Log In.

Invoke-OVHSetup -AppKey 'xxxxxxxxxxxx' -OVHRegion 'ovh-eu' -AccessRules $rules

Save the Resulting Consumer Key

After logging in successfully, you should be redirected to a success page on the Posh-ACME wiki. Press Enter in the PowerShell Window to be presented with your Consumer Key value which you should save for later.

Using the Plugin

The App Key value will be used with the OVHAppKey parameter. The App Secret and Consumer Key values will be used with the OVHAppSecret and OVHConsumerKey SecureString parameters.


The OVH API is very sensitive to the Date/Time configuration on your system. Make sure your computer is synchronized with a reliable time source. A few seconds of time skew can cause HTTP 400 errors with the error code QUERY_TIME_OUT.


The OVHAppSecretInsecure and OVHConsumerKeyInsecure parameters are deprecated and will be removed in the next major module version. If you are using them, please migrate to the Secure parameter set.


If the permissions on your consumer key only allow write access to specific records, you must add OVHUseModify = $true to your plugin arguments. This instructs the plugin to modify existing records instead of trying to create new ones from scratch which will fail.

$pArgs = @{
    OVHAppKey = 'xxxxxxxxxxx'
    OVHAppSecret = (Read-Host -Prompt "App Secret" -AsSecureString)
    OVHConsumerKey = (Read-Host -Prompt "Consumer Key" -AsSecureString)
    OVHRegion = 'ovh-eu'
New-PACertificate -Plugin OVH -PluginArgs $pArgs