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How To Use the Simple DNS Plus Plugin

This plugin works with Simple DNS Plus which is a self-hosted DNS server for Windows. It is assumed you have already setup your server(s) and are properly serving the necessary Internet facing DNS zones for the certificates you will request.


Enable the HTTP API in the server options dialog

  • In the main window
  • Click Tools
  • Click Options
  • On the left, Scroll down and click HTTP API
  • Make sure Enable HTTP API is checked
  • Leave the URL prefix as default or set a custom one (e.g.
  • If you use HTTPS for the URL prefix, make sure to follow this guide to setup the certificate properly: How to bind an SSL certificate to the HTTP API
  • Select your desired Authentication method.
  • Anonymous is supported, but not recommended from a security standpoint.
  • Basic is recommended and fully supported on all platforms. It is highly recommended to configure HTTPS when using Basic authentication. You can either use embedded credentials or Windows account credentials.
  • Digest authentication is not officially supported, but can work in some environments.
  • NTLM\Kerberos is not officially supported, but can work in some environments.
  • Make a note of the credentials for later.
  • The CORS setting is irrelevant for using the plugin. But enabling it can be useful for general HTTP API testing.
  • You don't need to enable the HTTP API v.1 check box. But if you do, remember to add a /v2 to your SdnsApiRoot property later.
  • Click OK

Using the Plugin

The primary parameter you need with this plugin is SdnsApiRoot which is the root URL for the HTTP API such as Remember to add a /v2 if you enabled the API v.1 check box. If you're using HTTPS and a self-signed certificate, you'll also need to add the SdnsIgnoreCert parameter.

If you're not using anonymous authentication, you'll also need to specify credentials as a PSCredential object with SdnsCred.


The SdnsUser and SdnsPassword parameters are deprecated and will be removed in the next major module version. If you are using them, please migrate to the Secure parameter set.

Anonymous Authentication

$pArgs = @{
    SdnsApiRoot = ''
    SdnsIgnoreCert = $true
New-PACertificate -Plugin SimpleDNSPlus -PluginArgs $pArgs

Credential Authentication

$pArgs = @{
    SdnsApiRoot = ''
    SdnsIgnoreCert = $true
    SdnsCred = (Get-Credential)
New-PACertificate -Plugin SimpleDNSPlus -PluginArgs $pArgs